Clubhouse Area: Inside here is for members only. The membership directory is a who's who in American business and government. A friend of mine from Atlanta said only 2 Democrats had ever been members here. Sam Nunn is one of them, he is a former Senator and ploughed billions into Georgia in defense money. The criteria for membership is a mystery. Many have tried, few get in. It took Bill Gates 7 yrs. to get in. In 2004, the womens movement(NOW) tried to put pressure on Augusta to allow a female member. Usual tactics were tried, extorting by boycotting sponsors products, picketing the entrances. The head of NOW, Martha("i blame men because God didnt give me a pair") Burke was the leader of the pack. Augusta's official statement of response reminded the media of the constitution and it's guarantee of private property rights. Result? Take a hike, Martha!!!!! We will allow members on our terms, not yours. The sponsors were suspended and Augusta puts on the tournament on their own now. Money is not an issue here, this place is about Golf.